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Aims and Objectives
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Aims and Objectives



The aim of Playwam is to ensure each child develops to their full potential in stimulating surroundings in which they feel safe, secure and happy.

To achieve this we provide a well resourced environment and experienced staff to implement the new 'Early Years Foundation Stage' (EYFS.) which:

"sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five." (DES:2008)

Following the four principles of practice within the EYFS:

  1. a unique child
  2. positive relationships
  3. enabling environments
  4. learning and development

Staff at Playwam will:


The areas of learning and development within the EYFS are based around six broad areas of learning:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This area is concerned with emotional wellbeing, knowing yourself and where you fit in It is about children's own view of themselves, their self esteem and their relationships with others.

We look at relationships, feelings and needs and at acceptable social behaviour. We learn the differences between right and wrong, about the world around us and the diversity of cultures.

Communication Language and Literacy


We investigate language, both written and spoken. Encourage children to explain themselves, interact with adults and peers, and organise their thoughts.

We offer children many opportunities to express themselves, to listen to others and to explain their ideas in words, pictures, song and rhyme We have a wide selection of books, both fiction, non fiction and poetry.

Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy

This area introduces knowledge and understanding of numbers, shapes and space. It looks at patterns, symmetry, positional relationships and measure. Children learn to sort, count, sequence, measure, compare and problem solve.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World


Children learn about themselves and the world around them. We provide opportunities for children to find out about the past events in their lives and look to the future. We explore the environment and learn about living things.

Playwam will provide the opportunities that will develop the enquiring mind and introduce the skills of observation and experimentation as well as Information Technology.


Children develop their physical abilities in this area of learning. We help them to develop physical control of their movements, co-ordination and special awareness. The children are actively helped to understand the need for safety and of health and hygiene and the benefits of staying active. We therefore encourage them to move with confidence and increasing control. Children are equally supported in developing their fine motor skills.


This area of development allows the children time and the opportunity to explore and experiment with different materials and ideas. Imagination can be developed, observations carefully made and a variety of different tool and techniques applied. At Playwam, we encourage children to develop a sense of colour and an understanding of texture and shape. We offer drawing and painting and the opportunity to cook.

The children enjoy all musical forms and rhymes and are encouraged in imaginative play and dance.

Each area of learning and development is provided for within a full range of planned and spontaneous learning experiences, both inside and outdoors and lays secure foundations for future learning.

Playwam acknowledges that parents are their children's first and foremost educators and they understand their children better than anyone else. We therefore encourage them to share information about their children's strengths and interests and to play an active role in activities at Playwam.