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Aims and Objectives
A Typical Morning
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A Typical Morning

The Playwam morning is generally planned into four separate periods so that the children have a variety of activities in which to participate. We are very fortunate in having a particularly wide range of toys and equipment from which to select each day, and a small garden area into which the children can spill out, expand and continue their journey of learning

First Period (8.45 - 10.25am)computerwork

All children are encouraged to spend some time with a member of staff,
either individually, or in a very small group. Staff at Playwam understand that personalized learning, development and care is paramount to the successful delivery of the EYFS and meeting children's needs.

Tidy Up Time (10.15 - 10.35am)

The children are encouraged to help put the toys away.

Second Period (10.35 - 11.00am)

During this time each member of staff is responsible for a group of children who are divided according to age. The children sit with their key worker for a small adult led activity. This is often related to a half term theme, which we use as a starting point.

Monday, Tuesday & FridayPainting


A local pianist comes to the playgroup with a programme of songs and music which the children learn and perform in the concert at the end of term. They also play/experiment with a variety of percussion instruments.


There is a session of music and movement using tape recorded music. Once a month we have a visit from 'Kindertots' introducing elementary French and German through a magical puppet story and from 'Yogaman Children's Yoga' who introduces the children to the disciplines of baby yoga.

Break Time (11.00 - 11.30am)

The children go to the cloakroom and wash their hands ready to sit at the table for their snack. Before they eat they learn to recognise their names by means of flash cards. Then the register is taken.

Afterwards the snack boxes are handed out with a drink of milk, which is provided free.

Third Period (11.30am - 12.15pm)

This is a chance for the children to sit in an informal group and talk/learn about topics such as days of the week, the weather, nursery rhymes and numbers. Afterwards a selection of large toys, such as tractors and trailers, tricycles and cars, is brought out. We use the small secure area outside.

Fourth Period

Story Time

The children are able to relax and enjoy a quiet time before going home.